***Note: All required forms and payments are to be sent to: Resurrection Parish, Attn: Life Teen, 1057 Main St. Hingham, MA. Payments to be made out to “St. Paul’s Parish” with “Life Teen (insert event name)” in the memo.
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Company: Family Missions Company
Cost: TBD
Description: Join Sea Side Life Teen as we travel on mission this summer!
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Cost: TBD
Description: Join Sea Side Life Teen as we travel on pilgrimage this summer!
Deadline For All Forms and deposit: TBD
1. Parish Liability and Permission (Coming Soon)
2. Parish Application (Coming Soon)
3. Mandatory Liability Form (Name must match passport) (Coming Soon)
4. $500 Non-Refundable Deposit: (Covers spot and airfare; Made out to “St. Paul” with “Summer Pilgrimage 2022 and you/your child’s name” in the memo)
5. Photocopy of Passport (Must be valid for at least 6 months after final day of travel)